December 7, 2007

Dream of the Seal

A poem written in response to an oil spill years ago.

It felt like a dream.
The utter hopelessness
of the seal,
drenched in black muck
that clung to her
without consent.
A few attempts to be the one she knew
then the finale:
A deathly dive into the oily slime
never to surface again.

Later the professor showed me
boxes of books.
They all told about creation
and destruction.

How absolute it all is, I thought in wonder.

He said: "And in the midst of all this,
the trees go on breathing."


Unknown said...


I'll be sure to keep you in mind. Both for opportunities to send your name on to others and for any opportunities to work together on something.. and in our prayers as well.
Loved your 'resume' too! And.. David forwarded your blog address to me and I read another of your poems. You definitely need to continue sharing your writing. There is something primal, honest and nurturing within it .. a reminder of a fire that each of us must keep close to us, share with others and warm our souls with.

More later.

Maria said...

Thank you Wes for your kind words!

Christopher Eaton said...

I don't know if this poem is about the Exxon Valdez, but it immediately brought it to mind, especially my own experiences witnessing the tell-tale signs of it of a number of years later on one of my first visits to Alaska.

And, I will take the professor words - "And in the midst of all this,
the trees go on breathing." - with me wherever I go.